F U E L E D F R I D A Y is brought to you this week by RADrabbitPRO Lauren Capone, AKA LC. When Lauren is not swimming, biking, or running she is in her kitchen creating amazing food that is clean, healthy and gives her BIG fuel for her epic workouts. This week Lauren is sharing her rabbit food recipe.
rabbit food is perfect for long rides, long runs, or for a delicious snack. It is packed with raw, healthy ingredients that will give you sustained energy.
2 cups medjol dates, pitted
2 cups old fashioned rolled oats
1 cup walnuts
½ cup grated carrot
¼ cup unsweetened coconut flakes
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon maca powder
¼ cup vanilla whey protein
Ready for these complicated instructions? Put all ingredients in a food processor and turn it on.
Ok, it’s not just that simple. Pulse it a few times to make sure everything gets well mixed and forms a massive lump in the food processor. Scoop spoonfulls of the mixture and roll into balls with your hands. It may help to rub some coconut oil into the palms of your hands. If the dough gets too sticky, let it chill in the refrigerator and try again later. Enjoy!